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Library items with class number 226

commentaires bibliques / Jean Calvin
Title : commentaires bibliques Material Type: printed text Authors: Jean Calvin, Author Publisher: editions farel Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 270p. ISBN (or other code): 978-2-86314-111-3 Languages : English Keywords: commentaires bibliques Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres commentaires bibliques [printed text] / Jean Calvin, Author . - [S.l.] : editions farel, 1992 . - 270p.
ISBN : 978-2-86314-111-3
Languages : English
Keywords: commentaires bibliques Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 029607 226 C 168 co Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Commentary On a Harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke / John Calvin
Title : Commentary On a Harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke Material Type: printed text Authors: John Calvin, Author Publisher: Baker Book House Grand Rapids Publication Date: 1984 Pagination: 457 p. ISBN (or other code): 0-8010-2440-0 Languages : English Keywords: Commentary Harmony Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Commentary On a Harmony of the Evangelists, Matthew, Mark, and Luke [printed text] / John Calvin, Author . - [S.l.] : Baker Book House Grand Rapids, 1984 . - 457 p.
ISSN : 0-8010-2440-0
Languages : English
Keywords: Commentary Harmony Evangelists Matthew Mark Luke Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 019126 226 C168co Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Ecouter l Evangile / P. GRELOT
Title : Ecouter l Evangile Material Type: printed text Authors: P. GRELOT, Author Publisher: (lire la Bible ; 40) Publication Date: 1975 Languages : English Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Ecouter l Evangile [printed text] / P. GRELOT, Author . - [S.l.] : (lire la Bible ; 40), 1975.
Languages : English
Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 029636 226 G 825 ec Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available évangeles synoptiques et actes des apotres / J.Auneau
Title : évangeles synoptiques et actes des apotres Material Type: printed text Authors: J.Auneau, Author Publication Date: 1981 Pagination: 294 p. ISBN (or other code): 2-7189-0190-x Languages : English Keywords: évangeles synoptiques actes apotres Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres évangeles synoptiques et actes des apotres [printed text] / J.Auneau, Author . - 1981 . - 294 p.
ISSN : 2-7189-0190-x
Languages : English
Keywords: évangeles synoptiques actes apotres Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 025983 226 A926év Livre Huye Library Storage Books Due for return by 10/05/2024 L'évangile / Alain Perrot
Title : L'évangile Material Type: printed text Authors: Alain Perrot, Author Publisher: Editions Suzanne Hurter Publication Date: 1998 Pagination: 154 p. ISBN (or other code): 978-2-940031-62-7 Languages : English Keywords: L'évangile Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres L'évangile [printed text] / Alain Perrot, Author . - genève : Editions Suzanne Hurter, 1998 . - 154 p.
ISBN : 978-2-940031-62-7
Languages : English
Keywords: L'évangile Class number: 226 Evangiles et actes des Apôtres Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 026081 226 p453év Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Evangile / Gerhard Kittel
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PermalinkL evangile des origines / Geza Vermes
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Permalinksur les traces de jesus- christ / Andre le Blanc
PermalinkThe Fourfold Gospel: Commentary / Richard A. Burridge
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