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Library items with class number 270.1

Alexandrian Christianity / John Ernest Leonard Oulton
Title : Alexandrian Christianity Material Type: printed text Authors: John Ernest Leonard Oulton, Author Publisher: SCM Press Limited Publication Date: 2009 Pagination: 475p. Languages : English Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Alexandrian Christianity [printed text] / John Ernest Leonard Oulton, Author . - [S.l.] : SCM Press Limited, 2009 . - 475p.
Languages : English
Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 006817 270.1 O 93 al Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available L'assemblee chretienne a l'age apostolique
Title : L'assemblee chretienne a l'age apostolique Material Type: printed text Publication Date: 1949 Languages : English Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 L'assemblee chretienne a l'age apostolique [printed text] . - 1949.
Languages : English
Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 001814 270.1 C541as Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available AUGUSTUS TO CONSTANTINE
Title : AUGUSTUS TO CONSTANTINE Material Type: printed text Publication Date: 1990 ISBN (or other code): 0-06-2503550-2 Languages : English Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 AUGUSTUS TO CONSTANTINE [printed text] . - 1990.
ISSN : 0-06-2503550-2
Languages : English
Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 012059 270.1 g 761 an Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available C'EST AINSI QUE L'EGLISE A COMMENCE
Title : C'EST AINSI QUE L'EGLISE A COMMENCE Material Type: printed text Publisher: paris Publication Date: 1986 ISBN (or other code): 978-2-204-02531-7 Languages : English Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 C'EST AINSI QUE L'EGLISE A COMMENCE [printed text] . - [S.l.] : paris, 1986.
ISBN : 978-2-204-02531-7
Languages : English
Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 004891 270.1 V457ce Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available 008034 270.1 V457ce Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Catacombs of Rome
Title : Catacombs of Rome Material Type: printed text Publication Date: 1874 Languages : English Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Catacombs of Rome [printed text] . - 1874.
Languages : English
Class number: 270.1 Période apostolique 325 Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 005431 270.1 W824ca Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Catacombs of Rome and their Testimony Relative to Primitive Christianity / Rev.W.H.Withrow, M.A
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