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Library items with class number 968

Afrique du Sud / Paul Coquerel
Title : Afrique du Sud Material Type: printed text Authors: Paul Coquerel, Author Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 176 p. Languages : English Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Afrique du Sud [printed text] / Paul Coquerel, Author . - 1992 . - 176 p.
Languages : English
Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 019642 968 C786af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available afrique du sud
Title : afrique du sud Material Type: printed text Publication Date: 1992 ISBN (or other code): BCF130100493 Languages : English Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud afrique du sud [printed text] . - 1992.
ISSN : BCF130100493
Languages : English
Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status No copy Afrique du Sud: L' Histoire Sépareée / Paul Coquerel
Title : Afrique du Sud: L' Histoire Sépareée Material Type: printed text Authors: Paul Coquerel, Author Publisher: Lausanne : Gallimard Publication Date: 1992 Pagination: 176p. ISBN (or other code): 978-2-07-053181-3 Languages : English Keywords: Afrique Sud Histoire Séparée Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Afrique du Sud: L' Histoire Sépareée [printed text] / Paul Coquerel, Author . - Lausanne : Gallimard, 1992 . - 176p.
ISBN : 978-2-07-053181-3
Languages : English
Keywords: Afrique Sud Histoire Séparée Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 19642 968 C786af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Grass -roots reconciliation in south Africa / Anna-Karin Evaldsson
Title : Grass -roots reconciliation in south Africa Material Type: printed text Authors: Anna-Karin Evaldsson, Author Publisher: GöTEBORG University ISBN (or other code): 978-91-87380-69-3 Languages : English Keywords: Grass Roots Reconciliation South Africa Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Grass -roots reconciliation in south Africa [printed text] / Anna-Karin Evaldsson, Author . - [S.l.] : GöTEBORG University, [s.d.].
ISBN : 978-91-87380-69-3
Languages : English
Keywords: Grass Roots Reconciliation South Africa Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 17240 968 E92gr Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available a history of south africa
Title : a history of south africa Material Type: printed text Publication Date: 2001 ISBN (or other code): 978-0-300-08776-5 Languages : English Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud a history of south africa [printed text] . - 2001.
ISBN : 978-0-300-08776-5
Languages : English
Class number: 968 Afrique du Sud Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 0016145 968 T468hi Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available Inculturation in the South african Context / Various Authors
PermalinkPhD Training in eastern and Southern Africa: The Experience of OSSREA: Organisation for Social Science Research in Eastern and Southern Africa (OSSREA) / Tekeste Negash and Abiye Daniel
PermalinkPhDtraining in eastern and southern Africa / TEKESTE Negash
PermalinkThe Making of Modern south Africa: Conquest, apartheid, Democracy / Nigel Worden
Permalinkthe peopling of southern Africa / R.R. Inskeep