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Library items with class number 230.8

African and Asian Contributions to Contemporary Theology / John S.Mbiti
Title : African and Asian Contributions to Contemporary Theology Material Type: printed text Authors: John S.Mbiti, Author Publication Date: 1977 Languages : English Keywords: African Asian Contributions Contemporary Theology Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine African and Asian Contributions to Contemporary Theology [printed text] / John S.Mbiti, Author . - 1977.
Languages : English
Keywords: African Asian Contributions Contemporary Theology Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 030081 230.8 M478af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available African and european readers of the bible in dialogue / Hans de wit and Gerald O. west
Title : African and european readers of the bible in dialogue Material Type: printed text Authors: Hans de wit and Gerald O. west, Author Publisher: Cluster Publications Publication Date: 2009 ISBN (or other code): 978-1-875053-80-3 Languages : English Keywords: African and European readers of the bible in dialogue Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 015461 230.8 W 819 af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available 015460 230.8 W 819 af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available 102255 230.8 w819af Livre Karongi Library Storage Books Available AFRICAN BELIEFS AND CHRISTIAN FAITH / EDWIN W. SMITH
Title : AFRICAN BELIEFS AND CHRISTIAN FAITH Material Type: printed text Authors: EDWIN W. SMITH, Author Publisher: UNITED SOCITIEY FOR CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Publication Date: 1943 Pagination: 191p. Languages : English Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine AFRICAN BELIEFS AND CHRISTIAN FAITH [printed text] / EDWIN W. SMITH, Author . - [S.l.] : UNITED SOCITIEY FOR CHRISTIAN LITERATURE, 1943 . - 191p.
Languages : English
Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 006651 230.8 s 646af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available AFRICAN BELIEVES AND CHRISTIAN FAITH / EDWIN W. SMITH
Title : AFRICAN BELIEVES AND CHRISTIAN FAITH Material Type: printed text Authors: EDWIN W. SMITH, Author Publisher: UNITED SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN LITERATURE Publication Date: 1943 Pagination: 189 p. Languages : English Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine AFRICAN BELIEVES AND CHRISTIAN FAITH [printed text] / EDWIN W. SMITH, Author . - [S.l.] : UNITED SOCIETY FOR CHRISTIAN LITERATURE, 1943 . - 189 p.
Languages : English
Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 010812 230.8 S 746 af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available African christian spiritualiy / Aylward Shorter
Title : African christian spiritualiy Material Type: printed text Authors: Aylward Shorter Publisher: Geoffrey Chapman Publication Date: 1978 Size: xii ISBN (or other code): 978-0-225-66238-2 Languages : French Original Language : English Keywords: African christian spiritualiy Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine African christian spiritualiy [printed text] / Aylward Shorter . - London : Geoffrey Chapman, 1978 . - ; xii.
ISBN : 978-0-225-66238-2
Languages : French Original Language : English
Keywords: African christian spiritualiy Class number: 230.8 Théologie Africaine Copies
Barcode Call number Media type Location Section Status 004425 230.8 S559af Livre Huye Library Storage Books Available African Christian Theologies and the Impact of the Reformation: Symposion PIASS Rwanda February 18-23, 2016 / Heinrich Bedford-Strohm, Gatwa Tharcisse
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PermalinkAfrican Christian Théology after the Cold War / J.N.K. Mugambi
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PermalinkAFRICAN CHRISTIANITY its public role / Paul Gifford
PermalinkAfrican response to western christian religion : A sociological analysis of African separatist religious and political movements in East Africa / Erasto Muga
PermalinkAfrican Theology: In Social Context / Bénézet Bujo
PermalinkAfrican Tradition and the Christian God / Charles NYAMITI
PermalinkAfrican traditional religion and the christian faith / Cornelius Olowolaa
PermalinkAfrique de la raison Afrique de la foi / Meinrad p.Hebga